科学的产业理论对于文创产业的可持续发展具有重要指导作用。本文通过对国内文创产业理论著作的分析,梳理了中国文创产业理论的研究状况,发现了其研究内容集中在基本概念、发展历程、资源状况、市场运行、产业价值链、国内外实践等方面。存在问题主要有:1) 理论研究相对滞后于产业实践;2) 研究范式尚未统一,理论概念存在分歧;3) 各地区理论研究发展不均衡问题突出;4) 研究主题类似,应用性理论研究趋于主流。
Scientific industrial theory plays an important guiding role in the sustainable development of cultural and creative industry. Through the analysis of the theoretical works of the cultural and creative industry in China, the research status of the theory of the cultural and creative industry in China is sorted out, and it is found that the research content focuses on the basic concept, development course, resource status, market operation, industrial value chain, domestic and foreign practices. The existing problems mainly include: 1) Theoretical research lags behind industrial practice;2) The research paradigm has not been unified, and there are differences in theoretical concepts;3) The unbalanced development of theoretical research in different regions is prominent;4) With similar research themes, applied theoretical research tends to be mainstream.
Advances in Social Sciences