安东尼奥•葛兰西是20世纪最富独创性的西方马克思主义理论家之一。其“市民社会”是葛兰西理论的一个核心概念。而葛兰西的市民社会理论不同于古希腊亚里士多德的相对于“野蛮社会”的市民社会理论,与近代启蒙思想家洛克、卢梭等人的“外在于国家政权的社会民间组织”市民社会有所区别,既不同于黑格尔的具有伦理意义的市民社会,也不同于马克思具有经济基础意义的市民社会。葛兰西的市民社会理论是建立在西方的传统文化与历史现实基础上,继承并发展了马克思的市民社会理论,他的市民社会是归入上层建筑范畴的,把国家分为“政治社会”和“市民社会”两部分,提出“国家 = 政治社会 + 市民社会”的概念,强调了国家意识形态领域领导权的重要性,是市民社会理论的新发展。葛兰西的市民社会理论不仅丰富发展了马克思主义,也对21世纪的当代社会的中国特色社会主义现代化发展及加强文化领域的领导权,实现伟大的中国梦具有深刻的指导意义。
Gramsciantonio is one of the most original western Marxist theorists in the 20th century. Its “civil society” is a core concept of Gramsci’s theory. Gramsci’s civil society theory is different from Aristotle’s civil society theory relative to “savage society” in ancient Greece, and is different from the civil society of “social non-governmental organizations outside the state power” by modern enlightenment thinkers such as Locke and Rousseau, which is different from Hegel’s civil society with ethical significance and Marx’s civil society with economic foundation significance. Gramsci’s civil society theory is based on western traditional culture and historical reality, and inherits and develops Marx’s civil society theory. His civil society belongs to superstructure, divides the country into “political society” and “civil society”, puts forward the concept of “state = political society + civil society”, and emphasizes the importance of leadership in the field of national ideology, which is a new development of civil society theory. Gramsci’s theory of civil society not only enriches and develops Marxism, but also has profound guiding significance for the modernization of socialism with Chinese characteristics in contemporary society in the 21st century, strengthening the leadership in the cultural field and realizing the great Chinese dream.
Advances in Social Sciences