目的:本研究探讨情绪启动下男女大学生不同效价情绪下视觉工作记忆的情况。方法:采用实验法,通过E-prime软件编写实验程序。采用随机化原则选择大学生被试60名,男女生各30人,进行混合实验2*3设计,两要素分别是性别(男、女)、情绪类型(正性情绪、负性情绪、中性情绪),把被试的视觉工作记忆任务的反应时和正确率作为因变量。结果:1、以正确率为因变量:1) 性别类型的主效应差异显著(F = 7.87, p 【0.05);2) 情绪类型的主效应差异显著(F = 7.80, p 【0.05);3) 性别*情绪类型的交互作用差异显著(F = 8.08, p 【0.05)。2、以反应时为因变量:1) 性别的主效应差异显著(F = 9.35, p 【0.05);2) 情绪类型的主效应差异显著(F = 40.46, p 【0.05)。结论:1) 男生的视觉工作记忆再认判断反应时比女生的再认判断反应时短;2) 男生的视觉工作记忆再认判断的正确率大于女生。3) 所有被试正性情绪状态下的再认判断正确率最高;所有被试中性情绪状态下的再认判断的正确率中等;所有被试负性情绪状态下的再认判断正确率最差。4) 所有被试正性情绪状态下再认判断的反应时最短;所有被试负性情绪状态下再认判断的反应时中等;所有被试中性情绪状态下再认判断的反应时最长。
Objective: To investigate the visual working memory of male and female college students under different valence of emotion priming. Methods: Using the experimental method, E- Prime software was used to write the experimental program. 60 college students, 30 male and 30 female were randomly selected. A mixed experiment 2*3 design was adopted. The two factors were gender (male and female) and emotion type (positive emotion, negative emotion and neutral emotion), respectively. Results: 1. Accuracy rate was used as the dependent variable: 1) The main effect of gender type was significantly different (F = 7.87, p <0.05);2) The main effect of emotion type was significantly different (F = 7.80, p <0.05);3) Gender * emotion type interaction had significant difference (F = 8.08, p <0.05);Taking response time as the dependent variable: 1) there was significant difference in the main effect between genders (F = 9.35, p <0.05);2) The main effect of emotion type was significantly different (F = 40.46, p <0.05). Conclusions: 1) the cognitive response time of visual working memory in boys was shorter than that in girls;2) The correct rate of visual working memory recognition in boys was higher than that in girls. 3) The correct rate of recognition judgment of all subjects in positive emotional state was the highest;The correct rate of recognition judgment of all subjects in neutral emotional state was medium;The correct rate of recognition judgment of all subjects in negative emotional state was the worst. 4) The reaction time of recognition judgment was the shortest in all subjects under positive emotional state;The reaction time of recognition judgment of all subjects in negative emotional state was medium;The reaction time of recognition judgment was the longest under neutral emotional state.
Advances in Social Sciences