文章利用中国综合社会调查(CGSS) 2015的全国8864个居民样本,探究政府公共服务满意度现状,并且从公共服务受众特质视角来分析政府公共服务满意度的影响因素。总体来说,政府提供的公共服务是令人满意的。在公共服务总体的四个维度里,人们对于公共服务资源分布的均衡程度的满意度最低,公共服务资源获取的便利程度的满意度最高。通过对公共服务现状了解,进而从公共服务受众特质的视角出发,探究公共服务满意度的影响因素,研究发现,家庭经济状况、社会阶层认同、社会道德都对政府公共服务满意度有着显著的正向影响,而受教育程度对政府公共服务满意度有着显著的负向影响。
This paper uses 8864 residents’ samples from China Comprehensive Social Survey (CGSS) 2015 to explore the current situation of government public service satisfaction, and analyzes the influencing factors of government public service satisfaction from the perspective of public service audience characteristics. On the whole, the public services provided by the government are satisfactory. In the four dimensions of public service, people have the lowest satisfaction with the balanced distribution of public service resources and the highest satisfaction with the adequacy of public service resources. Through the understanding of the current situation of public service, and then from the perspective of the characteristics of the public service audience, this paper explores the influencing factors of public service satisfaction. The study found that family economic status, social class identity and social morality have a significant positive impact on the government’s public service satisfaction, while the level of education has a significant negative impact on the government’s public service satisfaction.
Advances in Social Sciences