本研究招募了一所学校的2675名学生,完成教师自主支持量表、成长型思维量表、学习动机量表和学习投入量表,探讨了教师自主支持对青少年学习投入的影响,主要关注成长型思维和内部学习动机在其中的中介作用。结果发现:1) 教师自主支持水平、成长型思维、内部学习动机和学习投入两两之间显著正相关。2) 成长型思维和内部学习动机在教师自主支持与学习投入之间起显著的中介作用,具体包括三条路径:一是成长型思维的单独中介作用;二是内部学习动机的单独中介作用;三是成长型思维和内部学习动机的链式中介作用。本研究揭示了青少年感知到的教师自主支持对学习投入产生影响的作用机制,为提高中学生的学业发展水平提供了指导性建议。
2675 middle school students of one school were recruited in the study to complete the teacher’s autonomy support scale, growth mindset scale, learning motivation scale and learning engage-ment scale. This study explored the influence of teacher’s autonomy support on learning engagement among adolescents, largely focusing on the mediating effects of growth mindset and intrinsic learning motivation. The results indicated that: 1) there were significant positive correlations between teacher’s autonomy support, growth mindset, intrinsic learning motivation and learning engagement. 2) Growth mindset and intrinsic learning motivation played significant mediating roles between teacher’s autonomy support and learning engagement, including three specific pathways: the separate mediation effect of growth mindset and intrinsic learning motivation, and the chain mediation of growth mindset and intrinsic learning motivation. This study reveals the mechanism by which adolescents’ perceived teacher’s autonomy has an impact on learning engagement and provides guidance and suggestions for improving the academic development of middle school students.
Advances in Social Sciences