政府公信力是社会稳定与发展的前提,更是提升国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要途径,梳理其发展脉络有利于为政府公信力研究更新提供借鉴。以2001~2022年间中国知网收录的以政府公信力为主题的2099篇中文文献为研究对象,运用CiteSpace文献计量软件分析政府公信力研究领域的历史演进、研究热点及发展趋势。结果显示:1) 相关研究发文数量总体呈先增长后减少的“单驼峰”趋势;2) 发文作者上共现频次最高的是孟财和吴晶妹;3) 研究资源集中在公共管理学科;4) 近五年爆发性关键词为政府治理、政务诚信、网络舆情以及领导干部。未来研究可以从实际国情出发精细化地进行深入研究,加强机构间合作,从交叉学科视角出发等方面扩展政府公信力的研究框架。
Government credibility is not only the premise of social stability and development, but also an important way to improve the modernization of national governance system and governance ca-pacity. Sorting out its development is conducive to the update of government credibility research. Taking 2099 Chinese documents collected in China National Knowledge Infrastructure database with the theme of government credibility from 2001 to 2022 as the research object, this paper uses CiteSpace software to analyze the historical evolution, research hotspots and development trend of the research field of government credibility. Results show that: 1) The number of papers on government credibility generally shows a “single hump” trend;2) Cai Meng and Jingmei Wu are the most frequent co-authors;3) The research resources are concentrated in public management discipline;4) The explosive keywords are government governance, government integrity, network public opinion and leading cadres in the past five years. Future research can carry out detailed in-depth research from the actual national conditions, strengthen inter agency cooperation, and research from an interdisciplinary perspective to expand the research framework of government credibility.
Advances in Social Sciences