With the advancement of The Times, the number of companies and enterprises in China is in-creasing, but in recent years, companies and enterprises involved in unit crime cases are also in-creasing. But because our country lacks perfect unit crime imputation system, many crimes in-volving unit cases are difficult to solve properly. Recently, with the promotion of corporate com-pliance system, it is not difficult to find that the theory of organizational criminal responsibility coincides with the core idea of corporate compliance system. Both the construction of corporate compliance system and the theory of organizational criminal responsibility focus on the construction of internal mechanism of the unit. Whether the unit has a reasonable prevention mechanism and whether the crime result is related to the internal mechanism of the enterprise are regarded as the judgment standards of incrimination and incrimination. For the definition of unit crime, subjective and objective elements of crime should be added to prevent the definition of unit crime from being only a declarative clause. At the same time, in order to alleviate the problem of unfair punishment of unit crime compared with natural person crime, it is suggested to introduce qualification penalty in unit punishment, and unify the incriminating standard of unit and natural person.
Advances in Social Sciences