The metaverse integrates technologies of blockchain, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, network computing and digital twin to form a virtual mirror of the real world and an extended movement of real social relations, with the characteristics of virtual-real integration, mutual trust, freedom, decentralization and creativity. Furthermore, metaverse technology enables collaborative innovation between agro-meteorological science and meteorological public services. Its inner mechanism mainly lies in the convergence of the two purposes, enhancement of interaction coordination, and enrichment of innovation combinations. In addition, policy measures, such as coordination enhancement, policy support, human resources development and infrastructure construction, should be taken to enhance the synergistic innovation, strengthen the organic combination of “elite innovation” and “grassroots innovation”, form a model of “science popularization of farmers’ participation in agro-meteorological service innovation”, effectively solve the problems of low-level digitalization, wisdom and personalization, and speed up the satisfaction of farmers with agro-meteorological science and public services.
Advances in Social Sciences