In recent years, drug problem continues to spread, drug crime continues to high incidence, drug addiction has become a serious social problem. In this context, the age composition of drug users is getting younger and younger in recent years. Because of the particularity of adolescent group, there are many difficulties and problems in the intervention of community correction for drug addicts. Teenagers are the hope of a nation, and their age is also the golden age for the establishment of personal values and ideas. However, as there are many temptations in the current society and their minds are still developing, it is easy for them to go astray. Adolescent correction therefore becomes the top priority of adolescent work. In particular, it is very difficult for drug addicts to reintegrate into the community and be recognized by the public. The most prominent features include: indifference and incomprehension of family members, discussions among neighbors, employment difficulties and low acceptance of such addicts by the society. If the object of correction fails to integrate into the community or resume the original life after the completion of correction, it will not only have adverse effects on the object of correction, but also may lead to instability of social development. Therefore, the whole society needs to pay close attention to the correction of teenagers who take drugs in the community and help them return to the community and integrate into society.
Advances in Social Sciences