As a new thing, carbon emission right has different concepts of law and theory. Its legal concept is carbon emission quotas allocated to key emitters for a specified period of time. This paper holds that carbon emission right is the right of the subject to emit certain amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere within a prescribed period, its legal attributes should be clearly defined as a new type of data property right. Based on the analysis of the origin and evolution of new data property right, this paper compares carbon emission right with new data property right, and makes a concrete demonstration from the aspects of subject, object, attribute and function of rights. Defining the object of carbon emission right as “data property” can show that carbon emission right is a combination of data with specific value;it has both public and private legal attribute in the attribute of right;and in the component of power, defining carbon emission right as new data property right can better realize the rapid circulation of data resources and promote energy conservation and emission reduction. Then, this paper introduces the function of defining carbon emission right as new data property right, in order to clarify it as a new type of data property right of the theoretical feasibility and practical considerations.
Advances in Social Sciences