

On the Scope of “Necessary Alterations” in the Adaptation of Film and Television Works
摘要 文学作品改编成影视作品有助于提高文学作品影响力,促进经济发展的同时也能发展影视文化,但也产生了一系列的著作权纠纷问题。我国《著作权法实施条例》中有相关规定,而必要改动的界定范围有多大,我国现行有关的法律规定并没有对此进行界定,存在抽象性和模糊性,这导致司法实践中呈现出混乱的局面,存在“同案不同判”的现象,学术界对于“必要改动”也无定论,各有说法。本文以“九层妖塔”案为重要着手点,分析影视作品改编中“必要改动”存在的问题,其中包括立法中对“必要改动”的解释比较粗糙、法院对影视改编“必要改动”认定的标准不统一以及改编权与保护作品完整权存在权利冲突问题。再通过借鉴域外立法规定,结合我国国情,提出合理的建议,包括事前合同约定“必要改动”范围、采用相对客观标准界定“必要改动”范围以及两个维度确定“必要改动”的范围。通过本文的探讨,为影视改编中“必要改动”的范围界定提供参考价值,为司法机关裁判类似案件提供参考和借鉴。 The adaptation of literary works into film and television works helps to improve the influence of literary works, promote economic development and develop film and television culture at the same time, so a series of copyright disputes arise. In our Copyright Law Implementation Regula-tions, there are relevant provisions, and how big is the scope of the necessary alterations. Our current relevant legal provisions have not defined this, there is an abstract and fuzzy, this leads to a chaotic situation in judicial practice, there is a phenomenon of “different case judgment”, the academic circle to “necessary alterations” also has no conclusion, each has a statement. This paper takes the case “Nine-story Demon Tower” as an important starting point to analyze the existing problems of “necessary alterations” in the adaptation of film and television works, including rough interpretation of “necessary alterations” in legislation, inconsistent standards for the recognition of “necessary alterations” in the adaptation of film and television, and the conflict between the right of adaptation and the right to protect the integrity of the work. Then by learning from foreign legislative provisions and combining with our national conditions, reasonable suggestions were put forward, including agreeing scope of “necessary alterations” in advance contract, defining scope of “necessary alterations” by adopting relatively objective standard, and determining scope of “necessary alterations” in two dimensions. Through the discussion of this paper, it provides reference value for the definition of the scope of “necessary alterations” in film and television adaptation, and provides reference and reference for judicial organs to judge similar cases.
出处 《社会科学前沿》 2023年第11期6267-6276,共10页 Advances in Social Sciences
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