为探讨大学生感觉寻求、冒险行为与焦虑情绪之间的关系,本研究采用中国版大学生感觉寻求量表、特质焦虑量表和青少年冒险问卷–冒险行为量表对400名大一至大四在读大学生进行问卷调查,研究结果表明:(1) 大学生感觉寻求与冒险行为及其各个维度存在显著的正相关。(2) 中国大学生感觉寻求特点同国外研究结果大体一致。男生的感觉寻求水平高于女生的感觉寻求水平,感觉寻求受到是否独生、年级等因素的影响。(3) 本研究探讨学生感觉寻求与焦虑情绪、冒险行为的关系,其中并不存在中介变量。
To investigate college students’ sensation seeking, risk-taking behavior and anxiety of the relationship, this research USES the Chinese version of college students’ sensation seeking and trait anxiety scale and juvenile adventure questionnaire - risk-taking behavior scale for college students, 400 freshmen to senior reading college students by questionnaire survey. The results show that: (1) The college students’ sensation seeking, risk-taking behavior and its various dimensions have significant positive correlation. (2) The sensation-seeking characteristics of Chinese college students are generally consistent with the results of foreign studies. The level of feeling seeking of boys is higher than that of girls. Sensation seeking is also affected by factors such as whether the child is an only child, grade level, etc. (3) This study explored the relationship between students’ sensation-seeking and their anxiety and risk-taking behavior, among which there was no mediating variable.
Advances in Social Sciences