

Analysis of the Significance and Path of Integrating Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture into the Civic and Political Education of Polytechnic Colleges and Universities
摘要 中国特色社会主义进入新时代,党和国家置身于强国建设、民族复兴的新征程上,世界正处于百年未有之大变局,文化作为国家软实力的重要组成部分,在综合国力中的重要性占比愈来愈高,中华优秀传统文化根植于华夏大地的悠久历史文化沃土之中,对中国的发展有着深远影响,是滋养当代青年价值观念的重要源泉。高校作为向社会各行业输送专业人才的主要枢纽和基站,承担着立德树人的重要任务。理工类院校作为以培养技术型、应用型人才为主的高校,在课程设置、党团活动、校园文化建设等方面更偏向于理性、实用而非感性、生动。文章首先阐述中华传统文化的内涵,论述将传统文化融入理工类院校的思政教育中对个体、社会、国家的价值和意义,进而结合我国理工科高校在开展思想政治教育工作方面的特点,分析中华优秀传统文化在融入理工科院校的思政教育中存在的困境,并给出解决这些困境的路径方法。 Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, the Party and the country are on a new journey of national construction and national rejuvenation, and the world is in a situation of great change not seen in a hundred years, and culture, as an important part of the country’s soft power, accounts for a higher and higher proportion of the importance of the comprehensive national power, and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, which is rooted in the fertile soil of the Chinese land’s long history and culture, has had a far-reaching influence on the development of China, and is an important source of values for the youth of today. It is an important source of nourishing values for contemporary youth. Colleges and universities, as the main hub and base station for delivering professional talents to various industries in the society, undertake the important task of cultivating morality and educating people. As colleges and universities that mainly cultivate technical and applied talents, polytechnic colleges and universities are more inclined to rationality and practicality than sensibility and vividness in curriculum, party activities and campus culture construction. The article firstly elaborates the connotation of traditional Chinese culture, discusses the value and significance of integrating traditional culture into the ideological and political education of polytechnic colleges and universities for individuals, society and the country, and then analyzes the dilemmas of traditional culture in integrating traditional culture into the ideological and political education of polytechnic colleges and universities in light of the characteristics of the ideological and political education of the polytechnic colleges and universities in our country and gives the paths and methods to solve these dilemmas.
作者 国孟君
机构地区 武汉工程大学
出处 《社会科学前沿》 2024年第5期473-480,共8页 Advances in Social Sciences
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