目的:探索城市轿车驾驶员驾驶技能、道路用户体验与自动驾驶接受度的关系。方法:采用随机取样法抽取全国城市范围内轿车驾驶员共计709名。采用自我评估的驾驶技能量表、城市轿车驾驶员道路用户体验量表以及中文版自动驾驶汽车可接受性量表进行调查。结果:(1) 驾驶技能显著正向预测自动驾驶的情景接受度;驾驶技能显著负向预测自动驾驶的危险使用接受度;(2) 道路用户体验在驾驶技能与自动驾驶情景接受度之间起部分中介作用。结论:城市轿车驾驶员驾驶技能对自动驾驶情景接受度有显著影响,道路用户体验在其中起部分中介作用。
Objective: To explore the relationship between city car drivers’ driving skills, road user experience and acceptance of autonomous driving. Methods: A total of 709 city car drivers were selected by random sampling method. Self-assessed driving skills scale, city car drivers’ road user experience scale, and the Chinese version of the self-driving car acceptability scale were used to conduct the survey. Results: (1) Driving skills significantly positively predicted situational acceptance of automated driving. Driving skills significantly negatively predicted hazardous use acceptance of automated driving. (2) Road user experience partially mediated the relationship between driving skills and situational acceptance of automated driving. Conclusion: Driving skills of city car drivers had a significant effect on situational acceptance of automated driving, and road user experience partially mediated the effect.
Advances in Social Sciences