在刑法本身具有立法滞后性的前提下,非法经营罪具有一定的扩张必然性,“口袋化”实际上是一种针对社会发展不可预测性的立法技术。比较目前针对其扩张性的几种实体限缩方式的优劣,同类解释说与兜底功能具有本质的矛盾;刑事政策说下的入罪标准不具有可预测性。因此,口袋罪的核心问题实际上是如何在保留其扩张性质的同时解决出入罪标准的明确问题。在 “明确优于不明确”的框架下,兜底性条款适当扩张适用的必要性得到了承认,尽可能适用更明确的法条也使得入罪标准更加明晰。针对必须落入“不明确”范畴的不法行为,则可引入刑事一体化视角,选择企业合规不起诉制度应对多样化的涉罪类型。这一全新路径在强调执法的灵活性和整改的针对性的基础上,为企业家提供了更具有操作性的出罪路径。Based on the analysis of the expansion of illegal business crime rooted in the lag of legislation and the comparison of current approach to restrict the expansion of illegal business crime, the core of pocket crime is how to keep the expansion of illegal business crime and how to clarify the standard of crime. Under the framework of “clear is superior to unclear”, we choose the enterprise compliance non-prosecution system by introducing the perspective of criminal integration to deal with the misconducts that ultimately fall under the “unclear” catch-all provisions. Emphasizing the flexibility of law enforcement and the pertinence of rectification, this new path provides a more operational decriminalization path for entrepreneurs.
Advances in Social Sciences