

Research on Personal Privacy Leakage in the Era of Big Data and Its Countermeasures
摘要 信息技术的高速发展,诞生了大数据技术。大数据技术一方面给人们的生活带来便利,另一方面也带来或加剧了身份困境、隐私边界、数据权利等许多伦理道德问题,其中个人隐私泄露问题最受公民大众普遍关注。个人隐私泄露问题始终贯穿在大数据技术的发展和使用过程中,平衡好保护与发展的关系是使大数据技术真正成为社会发展的抓手、每个个人真切的享受大数据时代带来的红利的关键。本文以政府、运营商和个人为对象,深入剖析三方在个人隐私保护中存在的问题,并针对各方的问题提出对策,以期为个人隐私保护提供参考。The rapid development of information technology has given birth to big data technology. On the one hand, big data technology has brought convenience to people’s lives, but on the other hand, it has also brought or exacerbated many ethical and moral issues, such as identity dilemma, privacy boundaries, and data rights, among which the problem of personal privacy leakage is the most concerned by citizens. The problem of personal privacy leakage has always run through the development and use of big data technology, and balancing the relationship between protection and development is the key to making big data technology truly the starting point of social development and every individual truly enjoying the dividends brought by the big data era. The government, operators and individuals are the important objects of the personal privacy protection process. Based on this, this paper deeply analyzes the problems existing in the protection of personal privacy among the three parties, and then puts forward specific suggestions, in order to provide reference for personal privacy protection.
作者 王殿琦
出处 《社会科学前沿》 2024年第9期391-396,共6页 Advances in Social Sciences
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