中国在内的全球信息富裕国家正在快速迈入数字经济时代,数字经济指导下的平台社会化大生产产生出很多新变化。比如出现数字劳动者等新的就业主体、智能化的资源配置方式。这些新的变化缓解了工业资本主义时期机器大生产导致的大批劳动者失业以及盲目生产造成的资源浪费等社会问题。The world’s information-rich countries, including China, are rapidly entering the era of digital economy, and the mass production of platform socialization under the guidance of digital economy has produced many new changes. For example, there are new employment subjects such as digital workers and intelligent resource allocation methods. These new changes alleviated social problems such as mass unemployment caused by machine production and waste of resources caused by blind production during the period of industrial capitalism.
Advances in Social Sciences