合理认识与管理情绪是中职心理健康教育中的关键问题。在教学实践中,通过精心设计的多样化活动,鼓励学生积极参与团队合作,摆脱以往逃避或压抑负面情绪的惯性。通过这些活动,学生逐渐学会正视并接纳自己的情绪,掌握合理宣泄情绪的方法,与内在情绪达成和解,从而实现自我成长。Understanding and managing emotions effectively is a critical issue in mental health education for secondary vocational students. In teaching practice, carefully designed and diverse activities encourage students to actively participate in teamwork, helping them break free from the habitual avoidance or suppression of negative emotions. Through these activities, students gradually learn to confront and accept their emotions, develop appropriate ways to express them, and achieve reconciliation with their inner feelings, ultimately leading to personal growth.
Advances in Social Sciences