电商的蓬勃发展在一定程度上对客家文化的输出有积极的作用。可以说,客家农民在短视频平台创作作品,让客家乡村这个曾经被传统媒体代为言说的他者,开始有了传播自身独有文化民俗的渠道。同时,客家农民的短视频创作在一定程度上能够助力其线上主页农产品的销售,增加其收入。这些客家农产品带货短视频的内容创作刻意地拟态的客家乡村情怀叙事的构筑,从而为所售卖的农产品“地道”天然”等标签以获得受众的青睐。另外,“客家乡村新农人”则有自己独有的叙事路径。他们往往在短视频创作中会给自身设立一个相对宏大、悲情的“拯救”叙事系统,以煽情与感动增加农产品的成交率。但是,在商业逻辑的裹挟之下,这些客家乡村短视频无论是诗意复古化叙事的强调,还是对乡村矮化的陈述都有些偏离客家乡村的真实面貌,无法真实与多维度地展现客家民俗与乡村图景。因此,这些客家农产品的带货短视频创作者应该努力强调真实、自然的内容表达。客家农民应该好好地利用影像工具去展现真实的乡野图景与客家文化,努力去达到农产品销售与客家文化传播之间的平衡。The booming development of e-commerce has had a positive effect on the export of Hakka culture to a certain extent. It can be said that Hakka farmers’ creation of works on short video platforms has allowed the Hakka countryside, the Other that was once spoken for by traditional media, to begin to have a channel to spread its own unique culture and folklore. At the same time, Hakka farmers’ short-video creations can, to a certain extent, help their online homepage sales of agricultural products and increase their income. The content creation of these Hakka agricultural products short videos deliberately mimics the construction of Hakka rural sentiment narratives, thus labeling the agricultural products sold as “authentic” and “natural” in order to gain the audience’s favor. In addition, “Hakka rural new farmers” have their own unique narrative path. They often set up a relatively grandiose and sad “rescue” narrative system for themselves in their short videos, in order to increase the turnover rate of agricultural products by sensationalizing and moving them. However, under the coercion of commercial logic, these Hakka countryside short videos have deviated from the real face of the Hakka countryside in terms of both the emphasis on poetic retrofitting narratives and the statement of the dwarfization of the countryside, and are unable to truly and multidimensionally present Hakka folklore and countryside scenes. Therefore, the creators of short videos of Hakka agricultural products should try to emphasize authentic and natural content expression. Hakka farmers should make good use of video tools to show the real countryside and Hakka culture, and try to achieve a balance between the sale of agricultural products and the dissemination of Hakka culture.
Advances in Social Sciences