论文以《通用英语听说》课程思政教学改革研究与实践为例,探索了课程思政材料的收集整理、课内外各环节教学活动中将知识传授、能力培养与价值引领有机融合,提高学生“用英语讲好中国故事”能力的实施路径。在项目研究和改革实践的基础上,通过问卷调查和半结构性访谈等,对教学改革进行了总结和反思,旨在为其他高校的《通用英语听说》课程思政教学改革积累更多的借鉴经验。Based on the research and teaching reform practice of General English Listening and Speaking course, this essay attempts to explore the collection-organization and input of ideological and political elements, the implementation methods of the organic integration of teaching language knowledge and cultivating language ability with the guidance of values in various teaching activities inside and outside the class to enhance students’ abilities of “better telling China’s stories in English”. A questionnaire and semi-structured interview are conducted to summarize and investigate students’ response and reflections on the teaching reform, aiming to accumulate and provide some insightful experience to other General English Listening and Speaking course teaching reforms with ideological-political elements.
Advances in Social Sciences