文章旨在探讨大学英语教学中思辨能力培养的现状与对策。随着全球化进程的加速和国际交流的日益频繁,思辨能力已成为衡量大学生综合素质的重要指标之一。然而,当前大学英语教学中思辨能力的培养仍存在诸多不足,如学生思辨能力较弱、教学模式单一、评价体系不完善等。文章首先分析大学英语教学中思辨能力培养的现状,指出存在的问题及其原因;随后,结合国内外先进的教学理念和实践经验,提出一系列切实可行的对策,以期为提高大学英语教学质量、培养学生的思辨能力提供有益的参考。This paper aims to explore the current status and countermeasures of cultivating critical thinking skills in college English teaching. With the acceleration of globalization and the increasing frequency of international exchanges, critical thinking skills have become one of the important indicators to measure the comprehensive quality of college students. However, there are still many deficiencies in cultivating critical thinking skills in current college English teaching, such as students’ weak critical thinking ability, monotonous teaching mode, and imperfect evaluation system. This paper first analyzes the current status of cultivating critical thinking skills in college English teaching, pointing out the existing problems and their causes. Then, combined with advanced teaching concepts and practical experiences at home and abroad, a series of feasible countermeasures are proposed, with the hope of providing beneficial references for improving the quality of college English teaching and cultivating students’ critical thinking skills.
Advances in Social Sciences