人际敏感性是个体在人际交往中表现出来的一种人格特质,这种特质会使个体对批评、拒绝、人际冲突保持警觉和敏感,即持续关注消极评价。而人际交往在日常生活必不可少,在青少年的发展过程中,这一特质会给其带来消极影响,所以有必要对人际敏感性进行一个整体的梳理。人际敏感性在国内的研究起步较晚,综合国内外的研究现状,对于人际敏感性的研究主要集中在:概念界定、测量、影响因素等方面。未来的研究将包括寻找和开发结构合理、信度和效度高、具有较强本土性的人际关系敏感度量表,以开发出科学有效的工具,对学生的人际关系敏感度进行有效的诊断和干预。人际关系敏感度的理论研究和干预研究将成为未来研究的一个重要焦点和热点。Interpersonal sensitivity is a personality trait that individuals exhibit in interpersonal interactions. This trait makes individuals alert and sensitive to criticism, rejection, and interpersonal conflict, i.e. a constant focus on negative evaluations. As interpersonal interactions are essential in everyday life and this trait has a negative impact on adolescents as they develop, it is necessary to take a holistic approach to interpersonal sensitivity. Research on interpersonal sensitivity is relatively recent in China, and a synthesis of the current state of research at home and abroad shows that research on interpersonal sensitivity is mainly focused on conceptual definition, measurement and influencing factors. Research on the theoretical aspects of interpersonal sensitivity will continue to receive attention;exploring and developing an interpersonal sensitivity scale with a reasonable structure, high reliability and validity, and strong localisation to provide a scientific and effective tool for effective diagnosis and intervention of students’ interpersonal sensitivity is the direction of future efforts. Theoretical research and intervention research on interpersonal sensitivity will be the focus of future research and hotspots.
Advances in Social Sciences