抑制控制是指个体有意地调控自身的注意力、行为、思维或情感,以对抗强烈的内在反应倾向或外在诱惑的心理过程,对于减缓或阻止神经或行为上的活动至关重要。双语经验被视为一种高强度的经验,对个体的大脑活动和认知功能具有深远影响。有研究显示,双语经验对认知控制具有显著的促进作用,而抑制控制作为认知控制的核心组成部分,同样受益于此。然而,部分学者对此提出异议,否定双语经验带来的促进作用。为此本文梳理了双语经验对抑制控制影响的支持性与反驳性证据,旨在为理解双语经验如何作用于抑制控制机制提供理论基础。Inhibitory control is the psychological process by which individuals intentionally regulate their attention, behavior, thinking, or emotions to counteract strong internal response tendencies or external temptations. This process is essential for slowing down or preventing neural or behavioral activities. Bilingual experience, considered a high-intensity activity, has a profound impact on an individual’s brain activity and cognitive functions. Studies have shown that bilingual experience significantly promotes cognitive control. Since inhibitory control is a core component of cognitive control, it similarly benefits from bilingual experience. However, some scholars have raised objections to the extent of this promotion. Therefore, this paper summarizes both supportive and refutative evidence regarding the impact of bilingual experience on inhibitory control ability, aiming to provide a theoretical basis for understanding how bilingual experience affects the inhibitory control mechanism.
Advances in Social Sciences