内蒙古阿鲁科尔沁草原游牧系统是全球重要的农业文化遗产,也是可持续牧业与脆弱牧场管理的典范。本文立足于乡村振兴战略背景,系统分析了这一草原游牧系统中的产业融合现状,深入剖析其在发展中所面临的主要问题和挑战。并针对产业融合中的主要问题,提出促进产业融合与提高牧户收入的建议,旨在为推动阿鲁科尔沁草原游牧系统的产业融合发展、提高牧户收入,以及推动民族地区经济高质量发展提供理论依据和实践参考。The Ar Horqin Grassland Nomadic System in Inner Mongolia is a globally important agricultural heritage site and a model of sustainable pastoralism and fragile pasture management. This paper, based on the rural revitalization strategy, systematically analyzes the current state of industrial integration within this grassland nomadic system, and thoroughly examines the main issues and challenges faced during its development. In response to these key issues in industrial integration, suggestions are proposed to promote industrial integration and enhance herders’ income. The aim is to provide theoretical support and practical reference for advancing the industrial integration of the Ar Horqin Grassland Nomadic System, improving herders’ income, and promoting high-quality economic development in ethnic regions.
Advances in Social Sciences