角色游戏对幼儿的社会交往、语言以及认知等方面的发展具有重要的作用。4~5岁是幼儿角色游戏发展的高峰时期,教师给予幼儿适宜的指导可以较大地发挥游戏价值。但在教育实践中发现教师在指导时存在着缺少对幼儿的观察、未能丰富幼儿的经验和不恰当指导时机等问题,本文利用教学机智原理针对性地提出了幼儿角色游戏的指导原则。Role-playing plays an important role in the development of children’s social interaction, language, and cognition. 4~5 years old is the peak period for the development of children’s role-playing games, and teachers providing appropriate guidance to children can greatly enhance the value of games. However, in educational practice, it has been found that teachers lack observation of young children, fail to enrich their experience, and provide inappropriate guidance opportunities. This article uses the principle of teaching wit to propose targeted guidance principles for children’s role-playing games.
Advances in Social Sciences