目的:本研究旨在综述网络认知行为疗法(ICBT)在青少年焦虑和抑郁症患者中的应用及效果,以期为ICBT在国内的推广提供理论依据。方法:通过检索相关文献,分析ICBT在青少年焦虑和抑郁症中的应用现状、疗效和优势,重点关注自助式ICBT、治疗师有限支持的ICBT和混合式ICBT三种干预模式的特点与挑战。结果:文献分析表明,ICBT能够有效减少青少年的焦虑和抑郁症状,尤其在提高心理健康服务的可及性、降低社会污名化以及提供个性化支持方面展现了优势。然而,依从性差、长期效果不明确以及文化适应性问题仍需进一步研究和优化。结论:ICBT作为青少年焦虑抑郁症的有效干预手段,具有广泛的应用潜力。未来需要通过优化ICBT平台设计、加强专业人员培训及提升患者参与度等策略,进一步提升ICBT的应用效果,并推动其在青少年群体中的广泛应用。Objective: This study aims to review the application and efficacy of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (ICBT) in adolescents with anxiety and depression, providing theoretical support for its wider use in China. Methods: A literature review was conducted to analyze the current state, efficacy, and advantages of ICBT for adolescent anxiety and depression. The focus was placed on three intervention models: self-guided ICBT, therapist-supported ICBT, and blended ICBT, highlighting their characteristics and challenges. Results: The analysis revealed that ICBT effectively reduces anxiety and depression symptoms in adolescents. It offers advantages such as improving access to mental health services, reducing social stigma, and providing personalized support. However, challenges remain regarding poor adherence, unclear long-term outcomes, and cultural adaptation, which require further study and optimization. Conclusion: ICBT is an effective intervention for adolescent anxiety and depression with significant potential for broader application. Future efforts should focus on optimizing ICBT platform design, enhancing professional training, and increasing patient engagement to improve its efficacy and facilitate its widespread use among adolescents.
Advances in Social Sciences