目的:研究河豚毒素(tetrodotoxin, TTX)抑制阻断诱发的神经递质释放浓度是否存在差异,以及探讨最低TTX的完全阻断工作浓度大小。方法:采用小鼠的大脑皮层神经元细胞作为实验材料,在外液中加入不同浓度的TTX,分别记录诱发的兴奋性突触前电流(evoked inhibitory post-synaptic current, eIPSC)和诱发的兴奋性突触前电流(evoked excitatory post-synaptic current, eEPSC)的幅值。结论:在诱发神经细胞释放神递质时,TTX阻断eEPSC的半抑制浓度低于eIPSC,相较于eIPSC,eEPSC对于TTX更为敏感;在使用TTX阻断神经递质诱发性释放时,需要使用高于0.2 μM的工作浓度。
Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the concentration of tetrodotoxin (TTX) has an effect on neurotransmitter release, and try to find out the lowest working concentra-tion of TTX. Method: Using mouse cortical neurons as experimental materials, different concen-trations of TTX were added to the external solution, recording the amplitudes of evoked inhibitory post-synaptic current (eIPSC) and evoked excitatory post-synaptic current (eEPSC). Conclusion: When inducting cortical neurons to release neurotransmitters, the semi inhibitory concentration of TTX blocking eEPSC was lower than that of eIPSC. So, eEPSC is more sensitive to TTX than eIPSC. When blocking neurotransmitter induced release with TTX, working concentration need is higher than 0.2 μM.