通过本试验研究分析,覆盖对毛竹林地面覆盖率、土壤含水量、立竹量、新竹量、胸径、竹高的影响效果极为明显,覆盖的竹林地面覆盖率比对照的、未覆盖的分别提高56.09%、31.61%;土壤含水量比对照的、未覆盖的分别提高23.44%、20.33%;不同林分土壤含水量表现出阔叶杂木林 >毛竹林覆盖 ≥ 杉木林 >毛竹林未覆盖 >对照林;立竹量和新竹量:覆盖的和未覆盖的比对照的分别增加52.41%、42.76%、98.11%、67.92%;胸径:覆盖的和未覆盖的比对照的分别增加16.84%、13.68%,竹高:覆盖的和未覆盖的比对照的分别增高19.30%、17.54%;有机质含量均比未覆盖的和对照的增加31.34%~68.43%;竹林覆盖有利增肥改土,提高地面覆盖率和土壤含水量,对毛竹林生态经营增产增效具有重大的意义。
Research and analysis through this experiment, the effects of Phyllostachys pubescens forest mulching on the ground coverage rate, soil water content, the amount of bamboo, number of new bamboo, DBH and bamboo height are very obvious. The coverage rate of the covered Phyllostachys pubescens forest increased by 56.09% and 31.61%, respectively, compared with the control and uncovered. The soil water content increased by 23.44% and 20.33%, respectively, compared with the control and uncovered. The soil moisture content of different stands showed broad-leaved and mixed plantations >covered Phyllostachys pubescens forest ≥ China fir forest >uncovered Phyl-lostachys pubescens forest >control forest. The amount of bamboo and new bamboo quantity: The covered and the uncovered increased by 52.41%, 42.76%, 98.11% and 67.92%, respectively, compared with the control. DBH: The covered and the uncovered increased by 16.84% and 13.68%, respectively, compared with the control. Bamboo height: The covered and the uncovered increased by 19.30% and 17.54%, respectively, compared with the control. The content of organic matter increased by 31.34% to 68.43% than that of uncovered and controlled. Phyllostachys pubescens forest mulching is beneficial to enhance fertility and improve soil structure, improves ground coverage rate and soil water content. It is of great significance to increase the yield and increase efficiency of the ecological management of Phyllostachys pubescens forest.
Botanical Research