利用辽河三角洲滨海湿地及周边旱地气象站1961~2012年的逐月地面观测资料,对比分析了温度、湿度、降水量、蒸发等气象要素变化。应用Mann-Kendall法对变化趋势和突变进行了分析。结果表明:近52a来辽河三角洲滨海湿地的平均气温表现明显上升趋势,倾向率为0.31℃/10a,突变时间在1988年,蒸发量表现明显下降趋势,倾向率为55 mm/10a,突变时间在1986年,相对湿度和降水量表现为上升,趋势不显著。湿地气候存在比旱地更高的增暖趋势,湿地年平均气温9.11℃,月平均温度大于周边旱地,尤其是在冬季能减缓气温降低;湿地年平均相对湿度66%,在生长季小于旱地,增湿作用主要体现在冬季;湿地年降水量643.88 mm,比旱地高26.95 mm,主要集中在7~9月份;湿地年蒸发量1540 mm,比旱地低74 mm。
Based on the meteorological observation data from 1961 to 2012 in Liaohe delta coastal wetland, we compare and analyze the meteorological elements such as the atmospheric temperature, an-nual humidity, precipitation, evaporation between wetland and dry land. Mann-Kendall test tech-nique is applied to analyze the trend and jump change. The results show that the annual average temperature increased obviously with the rate 0.31?C/10a over the past 52 years, while the jump change appeared in 1988;The annual average cumulative evaporation decreased obviously with the rate 55 mm/10a, while the jump change appeared in 1986, their relative humidity and cumulative precipitation increasing performance were not significant. The warming trend of wetland climate is higher than that of the surrounding dry land. The annual average temperature of wetlands is 9.11?C, the monthly average temperature is greater than the surrounding dry land, and the wetland can slow down the environment temperature change greater than the surrounding dry land, especially in winter. The annual average relative humidity of wetland is 66%, it is less than the dry land in growing season, humidifying function mainly reflects in winter. Annual cumulative precipitation of wetland is 643.88 mm, which is 26.95 mm higher than dry land, and the phenomenon is more obvious from July to September. Annual cumulative evaporation of wetland is 1540 mm, which is 74 mm lower than dry land.
Climate Change Research Letters