基于达坂城气象站1960~2020年的逐日气温资料,利用GB/T21987-2017寒潮等级国家标准,对1960~2020年逐年出现的各类寒潮进行统计,并对达坂城寒潮变化特征进行研究分析。结果表明:1) 寒潮出现的年际变化并不明显,仅以0.2次/10a的速率呈不显著(P = 0.05)的上升趋势,但年际波动较大,平均每年出现4.5次,其中最多的年份2018年出现了12次,最少的年份仅有1次,曾出现过4年;2) 从年代际变化来看,各年代分布不均匀,其中2011~2020年代寒潮过程出现最为频繁,出现了58次,占总次数的20.4%,20世纪80年代寒潮过程最少,仅出现了37次,占总次数的13%;3) 寒潮具有明显的季节分布特征,冬季最多,占寒潮总次数的42.5%。从月际分布来看,11月、12月和翌年的1月、2月寒潮出现的频次最高,约占总次数的57.5%;4) 61 a来共出现各类寒潮天气过程285次,其中一般寒潮出现的频率最高为216次,占寒潮总次数的75.8%;强寒潮出现的频次相对一般寒潮较低,61 a来总出现过55次,约占寒潮总次数的19.3%;特强寒潮最少,共出现过14次,仅占寒潮总次数的4.9%。
Based on the daily temperature data of Dabancheng Meteorological Station from 1960 to 2020, all kinds of cold waves from 1960 to 2020 were counted by GB/T21987-2017 national standard, and the variation characteristics of cold waves at Dabancheng were analyzed. Results showed that: 1) Cold wave of interannual variation was not obvious, only at a rate of about 0.2 times/10a which showed a not significant (P = 0.05) rising trend. However, the annual fluctuation was large, with an average of 4.5 occurrences per year, with the largest number of occurrences occurring 12 times in 2018 and the smallest number occurring only 1 time in four years;2) From the point of view of interdecadal variation, the distribution of each decade was not uniform, among which the cold wave process from 2011 to 2020 was the most frequent, with 58 times, accounting for 20.4% of the total number. The cold wave process in the 1980s was the least, with only 37 times, accounting for 13% of the total number;3) Cold waves had obvious seasonal distribution characteristics, with the largest number in winter, accounting for 42.5% of the total number of cold waves. In terms of monthly distribution, the frequency of cold waves in November, December and January and February of the next year was the highest, accounting for 57.5% of the total number of cold waves;4) There were 285 cold wave weather processes in 61 a, and the frequency of general cold wave was 216, accounting for 75.8% of the total number of cold wave. The frequency of strong cold wave was lower than that of ordinary cold wave, which was 55 times in 61a, accounting for 19.3% of the total number of cold wave. The extreme cold wave was the least, 14 times, accounting for only 4.9% of the total number of cold waves.
Climate Change Research Letters