Based on the daily rainfall data of 13 ground observation stations along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway from 1980 to 2019, the spatiotemporal variation characteristics of heavy rainfall and heavy rainfall days along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway were analyzed by applying empirical orthogonal function decomposition, climate propensity rate and wavelet analysis and other statistical diagnostic methods. The results show that the number of days per year and the cumulative rainfall of each station along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway show a similar spatial distribution in terms of spatial distribution, that is, the values of the eastern section and the western section of the central section of the railway are larger than other regions. In the past 40a, the interannual variation of heavy rainfall days and heavy rainfall along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway showed obvious oscillation characteristics, and the intermonthly variation showed that June to September was a month with frequent heavy rainfall. The EOF first mode variance contribution rates of heavy rainfall days and heavy rainfall along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway were 37.39% and 38.18%, respectively, that is, the spatial variation was consistent as a whole. There are oscillation cycles of 4~6a and 6~16a along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway in heavy rainfall and heavy rainfall on a daily basis.
Climate Change Research Letters