Based on the summer surface temperature observations data of ERA-Interim reanalysis data, T213 ensemble forecasting information and 2152 ground stations in 2011, the research makes a series of refined forecasting experiments. First, defining the interpolation result of ERA-Interim reanalysis data as “true value” of grids, an revision of T213 numerical forecast products, deviation is made upon the decreasing average technology of Kalman filter, followed by comparation of the deviation between revised T213 ensemble prediction and unrevised products. The second is to make downscaling gridded forecasts referring to the decreasing average downscaling technology, and mark the differences between interpolation products and new prediction. The results show that: firstly, the deviation revision of the adaptive decreasing average method on gridded data is effective. It not only eliminates high value center of the forecast error, but also reduces the model deviation of the area in which the forecast deviation is relatively small before correction. The absolute error and relative error are 1.65˚C, −0.06˚C after deviation revision, respectively. Second, the decreasing average statistical downscaling techniques can effectively make downscaling forecasts, significantly reducing the interpolation error, and also well correct the western regions which have bigger error. The downscaling forecast results indicate that the absolute error and relative error respectively are 2.62˚C, 0.02˚C, with the average absolute error 0.29˚C lowering than the interpolation results. Therefore, it is feasible to predict refined China ground temperature with decreasing average technology.
Climate Change Research Letters