

Reasons Analysis for the Go-Arounds of Flights in the Southeast Gale on April 7, 2023 at Urumqi Airport and Safety Recommendations
摘要 利用跑道自动观测数据、激光雷达资料等数据,对2023年4月7日(文中时间均为协调世界时UTC)夜间乌鲁木齐机场13架航班在低空复飞的不正常事件原因进行分析,结果表明:1) 13架航班复飞是在机场航班进港高峰期,R07跑道下滑道20 m/s以上的强侧风使得飞机在低空侧风超标,下滑道上强侧风层风速不均匀性引起较强的侧风切变,使得航空器在R07跑道降落过程中操纵困难导致复飞。2) 激光雷达侧风风速演变及其不均匀性在一定程度上揭示了飞机复飞时遭遇的强侧风以及因强侧风层的不均匀性导致的侧风切变,在此类天气的预警预报服务中可作为有用参考。3) 提出跑道低空风场综合监测告警的组合概念模型,可综合利用跑道AWOS资料、激光测风雷达资料计算侧风、风切变等数据,从点到面对跑道及其低空侧风、风切变进行有效的监测和告警,为航空运行实时提供有关跑道和下滑道风切变、强侧风的告警服务,使终端管制人员实时了解机场及周边运行的气象环境,对保障航空飞行安全有序十分有利。 Utilizing runway Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) data and lidar data, this study analyzes the unusual incident of go-arounds of 13 flights at low altitude during the night of April 7, 2023 (all times referenced are Coordinated Universal Time, UTC) at Urumqi Airport. The results show that: 1) The go-arounds of 13 flights occurred during the airport’s peak period for incoming flights, where strong crosswinds exceeding 20 m/s on the R07 runway glide path caused aircraft to exceed low-altitude crosswind limits. The uneven wind speed within the strong crosswind layer on the glide path led to significant crosswind shear, making it difficult for aircraft to maneuver during the landing process on the R07 runway, leading to go-arounds. 2) The evolution of the lidar-measured crosswind speed and its heterogeneity revealed the strong crosswinds and the crosswind shear caused by the unevenness of the strong crosswind layer during go-arounds, which can serve as useful reference in early warning and forecasting services for such weather. 3) A conceptual model for combining low-altitude wind field monitoring and warning on runways is proposed. This model can utilize runway AWOS data, laser wind radar to calculate crosswind, wind shear to effectively monitor and issue alarms for crosswinds and wind shear at runways and their low altitudes. This provides real-time alarms about wind shear and strong crosswinds on runways and glide paths helping ensure the safe and orderly operation of air travel. Real-time awareness of the meteorological environment at and around the airport by terminal control is highly beneficial to ensuring aviation flight safety and order.
出处 《气候变化研究快报》 2024年第3期506-513,共8页 Climate Change Research Letters
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