Based on the hourly precipitation data of Xiangshan County from 2021 to 2023 during the flood season, the diurnal cycle of precipitation in Xiangshan five regions were analyzed, including urban area, northern area, island, coastal and central area. The results showed that the precipitation in the daytime was slightly more than that at night, and the diurnal cycle of the urban area and the northern area were relatively consistent, roughly with a double peak type. The diurnal variation of precipitation in the urban area was the largest. The precipitation frequency in the northern area was obviously higher, and the difference in the other regions was not significant. The diurnal cycle of precipitation frequency in the urban area, the central area, the northern area and the coastal area was relatively consistent, roughly with a double peak type. The highest frequency of precipitation occurred in Xiangshan from 16:00 to 21:00. The intensity of precipitation in the daytime was greater than that in the night, and the maximum was 13:00 to 17:00. In the flood season service, people can be reminded to take rain gear on the way home. The new warning signal in 2024 will remind forecasters to pay attention to the accumulation of long-lasting precipitation and hourly rain intensity.
Climate Change Research Letters