

Analysis of Changes in Environmental Temperature and Humidity and Exploration of Protection Strategies for Ancient Building Groups
摘要 镇远古城是一座历经两千多年历史的文化名城,至今有许多丰富且保存较为完好的古建筑群,其历史资源与文化价值非常珍贵。环境气候变化是影响古建筑寿命的主要因素,其中温湿度影响尤为突出。以更好保护镇远县古建筑群为目的,文章利用镇远县国家基本气象站近30a温度和湿度观测数据,针对性分析探讨镇远县古建筑群的保护方向与策略。通过运用聚类分析法对“不同程度危害性温湿度数据出现频次”进行统计分析,根据数据分析结果并结合古建筑实际承载环境条件有如下结论:一是利用古建筑自身极好的采光与通风性能克服短时间内的极大昼夜温差影响,在冬季和夏季进行局部空间温度监测与调控,重点关注7月中旬~9月上旬、12月下旬至次年2月中旬的极端气温,可利用BMI等数字信息技术加持,对重点文物保护单位进行古建筑预防性保护监测;二是5月下旬~7月中旬、9月下旬~11月上旬,镇远县城长期处于严重密集的湿热环境,危害性环境湿度溢出率高达96%,对古建筑的破坏尤为严重,实时监控古建筑环境湿度,增设除湿设备调控承载环境周围湿度维持在60%以下非常必要。 Zhenyuan County is a famous cultural city with a history of more than two thousand years. So far, there are many rich and well-preserved ancient buildings, whose historical resources and cultural value are very precious. Environmental climate change is the main factor affecting the life of ancient buildings, and the influence of temperature and humidity is particularly prominent. In order to better protect the ancient buildings in Zhenyuan County, this paper uses the temperature and humidity observation data of the national basic weather station in Zhenyuan County in the past 30 years to analyze the protection direction and strategy of the ancient buildings in Zhenyuan County. Statistical analysis of “occurrence frequency of temperature and humidity data of different degrees of harm” was carried out by using cluster analysis method. According to the data analysis results and combined with the actual bearing environmental conditions of ancient buildings, the following conclusions were drawn: The first is to use the excellent lighting and ventilation performance of ancient buildings to overcome the influence of the extreme temperature difference between day and night in a short period of time, and to monitor and control local space temperature in winter and summer, focusing on the extreme temperature from mid-July to early September, late December to mid-February of the following year, using digital information technology such as BMI. To carry out preventive protection and monitoring of ancient buildings in key cultural relics protection units;Second, from late May to mid-July, late September to early November, Zhenyuan County has been in a serious dense humid and thermal environment for a long time, the harmful environmental humidity overflow rate is as high as 96%, and the damage to ancient buildings is particularly serious. It is necessary to monitor the environmental humidity of ancient buildings in real time and add dehumidification equipment to control the humidity around the carrying environment to maintain below 60%.
出处 《气候变化研究快报》 2024年第4期764-769,共6页 Climate Change Research Letters
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