为加强医学信息生医学数据处理实战能力的培养,现提出三阶段“五层阶梯式实战能力培养模式”,从“理论 + 实践、课内 + 课外、教学 + 科研、老师 + 医生、学校 + 医院”五个层面进行融合。第一阶段在学校进行培养,其教学环节主要有课堂讲授、课堂实验和课堂实训,第二阶段由学校与医院联合进行综合实践,第三阶段在医院进行项目实战,全程有教师指导及专业实验室作支撑,可得到医护人员的直接指导。运用该培养模式对2009级和2010级二届医学信息工程专业学生进行实际培养,培养效果证实了该培养模式的科学性和有效性。
In order to strengthen practical skills in medical data processing for medical information students, a 3-staging “5-step ladder training pattern” consisting of “theory with practice, in-class with out-of- class, teaching with scientific research, teacher with doctor, and school with hospital” was estab-lished. The universities should implement Stage 1 by using class teaching, classroom experiment and classroom training, and universities should unite hospitals to implement comprehensive practice in stage 2, then project practice should be implemented by hospitals in stage 3. Teachers and labs participate in the overall process as a support, and direct guidance from medical profes-sionals is available too. This training pattern had been adopted in the education of medical infor-mation students of year 2009 and 2010, and it was proved to lead to good results.
Creative Education Studies