创新创业课程应该教什么,怎么教,怎么考核,怎样纳入学分等是目前学校创新创业教育亟待解决的迫切问题。回答这些问题以及普及创新创业教育需要两个纲领性的文件,一个是教学大纲(大纲),另一个是教学方案(教案)。本文将介绍成果导向的创新创业基础课程的3333课程大纲和PIPE教学方案模式。3333大纲系统地区分了创造、创新和创业这三个概念,清晰地界定了“三创”的区别和联系,以及对应的教学内容、教学目的、教学活动、学习结果、需要培养的素质能力以及考核标准等教学设计内容。符合世界知名大学目前普遍采用的“基于成果的课程大纲”的设计理念。PIPE®教学方案支持以学生为中心的主动学习、探索式学习、团队项目学习、行动学习、体验式学习以及寓教于乐等文献详实、反复实践的先进教学理念和具体方法。对创新创业教育理念融入其它专业课程都有借鉴意义。本文还详细的介绍了PIPE四个阶段的主要教学工具,包括7W5H观察法,形意八卦图,BAH 产品开发模型和9P商业模式画布。3333大纲和PIPE教案中西合璧,结构简单,适合在中国文化环境下创新创业基础课的教学,师资培训,在线课程开发和混合式教学。
Universities are facing the “Why, What, How and Who” questions related to the entrepreneurship education. Two documents are needed to address these questions, namely, the syllabus and the teaching plan. This paper reports the outcomes-based 3333-syllabus and the PIPE Model of teaching plan. The 3333-syllabus clearly defines the differences and connections among creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship as well as the corresponding learning outcomes, teaching activities, and assessment criteria. The PIPE model encourages advanced education methods such as student-centered pro-active learning, discovery-based learning, team project-based learning, experiential learning, learning by doing, and learning via games. The PIPE model is supported by four major tools: The 7W5H, the Cre8map, the BAH model and the 9P canvas. 3333 syllabus and the PIPE teaching model combines Western and Chinese elements and are easier to be implemented in teaching, training the trainers, developing MOOC course and the blended learning environment.
Creative Education Studies