设计思维(Design thinking)是一种提升创新能力的有效方式。随着越来越多的高校引入设计思维课程,课程对学生的影响效果如何测量成为挑战。本文在构建设计思维水平的测量量表的基础上,探索了课程对设计思维水平的影响。研究发现:参加过设计思维课程的大学生在设计思维水平上高于没有参加过设计思维课程的大学生,设计思维课程能够显著提高大学生的设计思维水平,特别是对协作和可视化这两个维度的提升较大。
Design thinking is an effective way to improve creativity. While design thinking workshop was introduced to universities, how to analyze the effect on students becomes a challenge. On the basis of constructing design thinking assessment scale, we explore the impact of design thinking workshop on college students. It is found that college students who have participated in design thinking workshop have a higher level of design thinking traits than those who have not. Design thinking workshop can significantly improve the design thinking traits of college students, especially the two dimensions of cooperation and visualization.
Creative Education Studies