

KAP Survey on Nutritional Diets for College Students Majoring in Preschool Education—An Optimization Perspective Based on Nutrition and Health Curriculum
摘要 探究营养健康课程对学前教育专业学生的影响,并分析学生在营养知识行为观念方面存在的问题,对营养健康课程的提升和优化提出建议。采用自编问卷对409名学前教育专业的大学生进行营养知识–饮食行为习惯–营养态度三个方面的横断面调查,并采用SPSS进行数据分析。调查发现营养课程可以给学生配备更多的营养知识,但对学生的饮食行为习惯、营养态度没有显著影响;学生在常见食物种类的每日摄入量、营养素与疾病的关系、常见不健康食品的了解、营养健康食品的选择等方面的知识不足;部分学生饮食习惯较差;学生的饮食易受情绪影响。因此,建议营养健康课程的教学应注重学生的知识盲区,加强具体的实践内容并纳入课程的考核,在传授营养健康知识的同时,更好地改善学生的观念和行为习惯。 To explore the impact of the nutrition and health curriculum on preschool students, and analyse the problems in students’ nutrition knowledge, behaviour and attitudes, and make suggestions for the enhancement and optimisation of the nutrition and health curriculum. A self-administered questionnaire was used to conduct a cross-sectional survey on three aspects of nutrition knowledge, eating behavioural habits and nutrition attitudes among 409 preschool education students, and SPSS was used to analyse the data. The survey found that nutrition courses can equip students with more nutrition knowledge, but have no significant impact on students’ eating behavioural habits and nutritional attitudes;students’ knowledge in daily intake of common food groups, relationship between nutrients and diseases, understanding of common unhealthy foods, and selection of nutritious and healthy foods is insufficient;some students have poor eating habits;and students’ diet is easily influenced by emotions. Therefore, it is recommended that the teaching of nutrition and health courses should focus on students’ knowledge blind spots, strengthen specific practical content and incorporate it into the assessment of the courses, so as to better improve students’ concepts and behavioural habits while imparting knowledge on nutrition and health.
作者 李婷
出处 《创新教育研究》 2022年第5期1160-1166,共7页 Creative Education Studies
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