Educational equity is the basic educational policy of China, and China has been committed to promoting educational equity. As the front line of implementing the educational equity policy, the realization of educational equity in classroom teaching is very important, in which the role of teachers can not be ignored. In the new era, our educational equity pursues quality educational equity, which is the historical requirement of the new social principal contradiction and the in-evitable trend of international educational development. The micro-scale under the macro-scale of “quality education equity” requires that students’ subjective feelings should be taken into ac-count in classroom teaching. Under the new measure of educational equity, the meaning of educational equity in classroom teaching includes equal learning identity, fair use of teaching resources and fair academic evaluation. However, there are still some problems in the classroom, such as the unequal learning status among the subjects, the unfair inclination in the use of teaching resources, and the unfair restriction of students’ evaluation. This paper puts forward countermeasures from four aspects: setting up the concept of educational equity, breaking the unequal social structure of the classroom, equitably distributing the classroom resources and establishing a scientific evaluation system for students’ study, in order to solve the problem of educational equity in classroom teaching.
Creative Education Studies