“岗课赛证”教学模式是一种基于“1 + X”证书制度衍生出来的与之相适应的教育教学模式。本文针对高职院校英语课程的现状,以OBE理念为指导开展教学实践,探索“岗课赛证”进行融合应用的教学模式。从“岗课”、“课赛证”融合及构建以产出导向为主的过程评价三个方面实现“岗课赛证”的有效融合,构建新型高职英语课程模式。
The teaching mode of “Post-Course-Competion-Certificate” is a teaching mode based on “1 + X” certificate system. In view of the current situation of College English for higher education, the teaching practice has integrated and applied the teaching model of “Post-Course-Competion-Certificate” guided by OBE theory. The effective integration of “Post-Course-Competition-Certificate” can be realized from three aspects: emphasizing the “Post-Course”, “Course-Competition-Certificate”, and the outcome-oriented processing assessment, constructing the new College English curriculum mode.
Creative Education Studies