随着“新文科”建设全面启动,推动哲学社会科学与新科技革命融汇贯通式创新发展、加快培养时代新人、提升国家文化软实力成为必然。新时代加速推进“新文科”建设为我国高校外语学科建设发展与人才培养模式创新提供了新思路、新契机,也提出了新挑战、新要求。立足“新文科”建设研究视角,探讨“新文科”建设背景与内涵;分析目前外语专业教育模式存在的问题与不足;基于CiteSpace5.7 R5,绘制生成知识图谱,对“新文科”建设研究进行可视化分析;从外语专业学科发展与人才培养出发,探析“新文科”背景下外语专业学生科学素养培育机制创新与建设路径,助推培育新时代复合型外语“新人”。
The comprehensive initiation of “New Liberal Arts” has enabled philosophy of the social sciences to integrate with information technology creatively with the particular focus on fostering a new generation and enhancing cultural soft power. Accelerating the construction of “New Liberal Arts” in the new era not only provides novel ideas and opportunities for the construction and development of foreign language disciplines and the innovation of talent training mode in high educational institutions of China, but also puts forward fresh challenges and requirements. From the perspective of “New Liberal Arts” construction, this article endeavors to discuss the background and connotation of “New Liberal Arts” construction and analyze the problems and deficiencies of the current foreign language teaching model. Besides, based on Citespace5.7 R5, the relevant knowledge graphs are generated to conduct visualized analysis on the construction and research of “New Liberal Arts”. Finally, starting from the discipline development and talent training of foreign language majors, this article analyzes the innovation and construction path of scientific quality cultivation mechanism of foreign language majors in the context of “New Liberal Arts”, thereby facilitating cultivation of composite “new talents” in the new era.
Creative Education Studies