

The Exploration of the Teaching Mode of Integrating Curriculum Ideological and Political Elements into the Course of Geomorphology
摘要 立德树人是我国高等教育的根本任务,每位大学教师都担负着教书育人的重要使命。专业课如何融入课程思政元素,充分发挥其思想政治育人功能还处于探索阶段。地貌学是全国很多大学本科专业主干课程,是一门综合性和实践性都很强的专业基础课程。本文在自己撰写教材的基础上,通过对各章节的课程思政元素的深入挖掘,提出具体的课程思政元素融入措施,结合教学评价体系,提升学生的综合素质。地貌学开展课程思政的具体计划应该根据具体情况和目标来定制,在地貌学课程的教学设计中,应该从思政的角度出发,选择与马克思主义理论和社会主义核心价值观相契合的教材和案例。地貌学课程应该鼓励学生进行思辨性学习,通过学习和研究地貌现象,引导学生思考地貌背后的人文价值和社会意义。加强地貌学课程实践和实验环节,组织学生参与实地考察、地貌观测和实验研究。地貌学教学与思政教育有机结合,有助于提升学生的思想道德水平、价值观念和社会责任感。 Building a virtuous education system is a fundamental objective of higher education in our country. It is the duty of every university teacher to be accountable for this significant mission of teaching. The integration of ideological and political elements into the curriculum and the max-imization of its ideological and political education function are still areas that require further re-search and exploration. Geomorphology is a fundamental course offered in many undergraduate programs at universities in China. It is a comprehensive and practical discipline that serves as a foundation for professional development. This paper aims to enhance the ideological and political education within the curriculum by exploring the underlying elements within each chapter. Based on the development of self-written textbooks, specific and original integration measures of ideological and political elements are proposed. These measures are combined with the teaching evaluation system to provide feasible operational plans for enhancing the overall quality of students. The specific plan for integrating ideological and political education into the curriculum of Geomorphology should be tailored to specific circumstances and objectives. In the design of Geomorphology courses, it is critical to approach them from the perspective of ideological and political education and select teaching materials and case studies that align with Marxist theory and socialist core values. Geomorphology courses should foster critical thinking and reflective learning in students. By studying and researching geomorphic phenomena, students should be guided to consider the humanistic value and societal significance behind them. Additionally, it is crucial to enhance the practical and experimental aspects of geomorphology courses by organizing field trips, conducting geomorphic observations, and engaging in experimental research. The organic integration of geomorphology education and ideological and political education can enhance students’ moral and ideological standards, values, and sense of social responsibility.
出处 《创新教育研究》 2023年第12期3779-3786,共8页 Creative Education Studies
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