

Exploration and Practice of Curriculum Teaching Reform in Higher Mathematics at Local Engineering Universities under the Context of Industry-Education Integration
摘要 随着产教融合新态势的发展,地方工科高校对高等数学课程教学改革的需求日益迫切。本文旨在针对当前高等数学课程中存在的多个核心问题,包括但不限于课程内容与实际工程实践间的显著脱节、教材内容适用性不强、思政教育深度和广度不足、教学方式较为单一、对学生多元能力培养的重视程度不够、线上教育资源更新滞后以及双师型教师队伍建设相对薄弱等问题,系统性地提出一系列具有针对性的改进措施与解决方案。第一,基于产教深度融合的核心理念,精选并优化高等数学教学内容,编写兼具理论基础与工程实践应用特色的教材。第二,深入探寻并有机融入高等数学课程中的思政内涵,实现知识传授与价值引领的有机融合。第三,推行教学模式创新,坚持理论与实践并重原则,借助项目驱动、案例教学并融入数学建模思想,着力培养学生的工程实践运用能力、创新思维以及团队协作精神。第四,积极推动线上课程资源的建设和更新,构建线上线下混合式教学模式,以拓宽优质教育资源的覆盖范围。第五,革新考核评估机制,突出学习过程的动态评价,全方位评估学生的高等数学理论知识掌握程度及其在工程实践应用中的能力。第六,采取多种策略全面提升教师的工程实践素养和教学质量,确保理论教学与工程实践紧密结合的一体化教学得以有效实施,并致力于打造一支兼具高等数学理论教学与工程实践经验的“双师型”师资队伍。 Faced with the new trend of industry-education integration, there is an urgent need for reform in the teaching of higher mathematics courses at local engineering universities. This paper aims to address the pressing issues such as the disconnection between higher mathematics course content and engineering practice, inadequacy of textbook relevance, monotonous teaching methods, insufficient ideological and political education, neglect of diverse skill development among students, outdated online resources, and imbalanced faculty distribution. To tackle these challenges, a series of solutions are proposed: Firstly, based on the core concept of deep integration between industry and education, we will carefully select and refine the content of higher mathematics instruction, aiming to develop textbooks that combine fundamental theoretical foundations with distinctive features of engineering practice applications. Secondly, deeply explore and organically incorporate the ideological and political elements within the higher mathematics curriculum to achieve an organic integration of knowledge transmission and value guidance. Thirdly, implement innovations in teaching methodologies, adhering to the principle of equal emphasis on theory and practice. Leverage project-driven approaches, case-based teaching methods, and integrate mathematical modeling concepts to focus on fostering students’ abilities in engineering practical applications, innovative thinking, and collaborative teamwork skills. Fourthly, actively promote the construction and updating of online course resources, establishing a hybrid teaching model combining online and offline instruction to broaden the reach of high-quality educational resources. Fifthly, further innovate the assessment and evaluation system, highlight dynamic evaluation throughout the learning process, to conduct a comprehensive assessment of students’ mastery of higher mathematics theoretical knowledge as well as their ability to apply these concepts in engineering practice settings. Finally, employ a variety of strategies to comprehensively enhance teachers’ engineering practice competence and teaching quality, ensure the effective execution of an integrated teaching approach that closely intertwines theoretical instruction with practical engineering applications. In doing so, the ultimate goal is to cultivate a “dual-qualified” faculty team that possesses both expertise in higher mathematics theoretical teaching and practical engineering experience.
出处 《创新教育研究》 2024年第6期462-471,共10页 Creative Education Studies
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