随着来华留学生教育的深入开展,特别是“一带一路”沿线国家学生数量的激增,多元化课程建设的开发与建设成为时代的需求。文章以M大学面向“一带一路”沿线国家来华留学生开设的特色课程《中国少数民族概况》为例,运用课堂观察法、访谈调查法、教师日志法等质性研究方法,从课程建设及研究状况、课程建设意义探究、课程具体实施情况等方面,对面向“一带一路”来华留学生中国少数民族文化类课程建设进行探究。最后,从课程顶层设计、进行师资培养、开发教材建设三方面提出相应的建议。With the deepening of education for international students studying in China, especially the sharp increase in the number of students from countries along the “Belt and Road”, the development and construction of diversified curricula have become a demand of the times. Taking the unique course “Overview of Chinese Ethnic Minorities” offered by M University for students from countries along the “Belt and Road” studying in China as an example, this paper uses qualitative research methods such as classroom observation, interview surveys, and teacher logs to explore curriculum development and research status, the significance of curriculum construction, and the specific implementation of the course, elucidating the construction of Chinese ethnic minority culture courses for students from “Belt and Road” countries studying in China. Finally, corresponding suggestions are proposed from the perspectives of adapting to the updated changes in the educational philosophy for international students studying in China, serving the overall national development, emphasizing teacher training, and curriculum development.
Creative Education Studies