

The Implication of the Times, Practical Difficulties and Practical Approaches to the Cultivation of Students’ Cultural Self-Confidence in Junior High School English Teaching
摘要 在当前全球化迅速推进的时代背景下,培养文化自信显得尤为关键。初中英语教育不仅涉及语言知识的传递,更是一个文化交流与认同的过程。通过英语学习,学生能够接触多元文化,从而加深对本国文化的认同与自信,进而推动中国文化的继承与发扬。然而,在当前初中英语教育实践中,文化自信的培养面临若干挑战。首先,存在“表里不一”的现象,即缺乏文化育人意识,导致学生在学习过程中难以真正理解和吸收文化内涵。其次,“英中不平衡”的问题,即母语文化在教学中的比重不足,使得学生对中国文化的认识和认同不够深刻。最后,“人文忽视”的问题,即课堂教学内容过于单一,缺乏对文化深度的探讨和理解。为应对这些挑战,必须采取一系列有效措施。确立文化育人理念,使学生在学习语言的同时,能够深入理解和认同各种文化;改进课程教学内容,提升母语文化的比重,帮助学生更全面地了解和认同中国文化;扩展文化育人领域,通过课外活动、文化交流等多种途径,让学生在更宽广的环境中接触和理解不同文化。通过这些措施,我们能够有效推进新时代初中英语教育中文化自信教育的实施,从而培养出具有国际视野和文化自信的新一代青年。In the context of the current era of rapid globalization, cultivating cultural self-confidence is particularly crucial. Junior high school English education is not only about the transfer of language knowledge, but also a process of cultural exchange and identity. Through the study of English, students can be exposed to diverse cultures, thereby deepening their identity and confidence in their own culture, and thus promoting the inheritance and development of Chinese culture. However, in the current practice of junior high school English education, the cultivation of cultural self-confidence faces several challenges. First of all, there is a phenomenon of “inconsistency”, that is, the lack of awareness of cultural education, which makes it difficult for students to truly understand and absorb the cultural connotation in the learning process. Secondly, the problem of “imbalance between English and China”, that is, the proportion of mother tongue culture in teaching is insufficient, which makes students’ understanding and identification with Chinese culture not deep enough. Finally, the problem of “humanistic neglect”, that is, the classroom teaching content is too simple, and there is a lack of in-depth exploration and understanding of culture. In order to meet these challenges, a series of effective measures must be taken. Establish the concept of cultural education, so that students can deeply understand and identify with various cultures while learning languages;Improve the teaching content of the curriculum, increase the proportion of mother tongue culture, and help students understand and identify with Chinese culture more comprehensively;Expand the field of cultural education, through extracurricular activities, cultural exchanges and other ways, so that students can be exposed to and understand different cultures in a broader environment. Through these measures, we can effectively promote the implementation of Chinese confidence education in junior high school English education in the new era, so as to cultivate a new generation of young people with international vision and cultural confidence.
作者 段福霞
出处 《创新教育研究》 2024年第10期236-242,共7页 Creative Education Studies
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