近红外光一区(700 nm~950 nm)生物成像因其能够提供高分辨率、实时成像、深层组织穿透和对生物样本的光损伤最小而受到广泛关注。本综述的主要重点是近红外光一区生物成像中使用的经典材料,包括有机染料、稀土掺杂材料、碳纳米材料等。该综述就提到的材料进行在临床中的应用和各个材料的优劣势以及其进展进行介绍。
Near-infrared region I (700 nm~950 nm) bioimaging has attracted widespread attention due to its ability to provide high-resolution, real-time imaging, deep tissue penetration, and minimal photodamage to biological samples. The main focus of this review is the classic materials used in near-infrared region I bioimaging, including organic dyes, rare-earth doped materials, carbon nanomaterials, and more. This review introduces the clinical applications and advantages of the mentioned materials.
Advances in Condensed Matter Physics