CSS + Div是当前网页设计中实现页面布局的常用技术,可以实现页面代码更少,读取速度更快,更新更容易,页面布局效果更丰富。本文通过举例,给出使用CSS + Div技术,通过Div标签宽度的数值设置,等比例设置,绝对定位法和改进浮动法设置实现固定宽度和变宽度网页布局的使用方法和注意事项,到达掌握的目的。
CSS + Div is a commonly used technology to realize page layout in current web page design, which can realize fewer page codes, faster reading speed, easier updating and richer page layout effect. By way of example, this paper gives the use method and precautions of using CSS + Div technology to realize the fixed width and variable width web page layout through the numerical setting of Div label width, equal proportion setting, absolute positioning method and improved floating method setting, so as to achieve the purpose of mastering.
Computer Science and Application