

The Connection Engine of the Internet of Things: Passive Sensing Network
摘要 物联网作为信息系统,已经被称为继计算机和互联网之后的世界信息产业的第三次浪潮,正在深刻地改变人类的生存环境和生活方式,但没有网络连接的支撑物联网将功能全失。本文探讨的无源感知网络就是最大限度地确保连接畅通,使物联网系统持续发挥作用。文章介绍了物联网现状、无源网络的特点、无源网络发展遇到的技术挑战,分析了为确保网络连接畅通需要解决的主要科技难题。为未来无源感知网络技术发展指出了方向,现实意义巨大。 The Internet of things, as an information system, has been called the third wave of the world information industry after computers and the Internet, but without the support of network connection, the Internet of Things will lose all functions. The passive sensing network discussed in this paper is to ensure the connectivity of the Internet of things continuously. This paper introduces the characteristics of the passive network and the technical challenges encountered in the development of passive network, and analyzes the main scientific and technological problems that need to be solved to ensure the network connection. It points out the direction for the future development of passive sensing network technology, which has great practical significance.
作者 周子立
出处 《计算机科学与应用》 2020年第11期2089-2094,共6页 Computer Science and Application
关键词 物联网 网络连接 无源感知网络 IOT Network Connections Passive Sensing Network
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