随着网络新技术的发展和校内业务子系统的不断增多,校园网暴露出很多不足之处:(1) IPv6配置复杂,接入设备要求高,难以维护;(2) 校内部分终端无法使用IPv6网络,(3) IPv4、IPv6网络没做到统一认证,为了解决这些问题,进行网络扁平化改造、总体设计IPv6+校园网络体系,通过IPv6地址顶层设计、研究地址获取方式、打通校内IPv6网络通道、增加安全认证等几个维度进行设计,为师生解决燃眉之急,在教学、科研上给师生提供良好的IPv6平台。也为2030年完成IPv6全网单栈最终目标的演进进行过渡和探索,为本地区IPv6+网络建设提供依据。
With the development of new network technologies and the increasing number of business subsys-tems on campus, the campus network has revealed many shortcomings: (1) IPv6 configuration is complicated, and the requirements for access equipment are high and difficult to maintain;(2) some terminals on campus cannot use IPv6 network, and (3) the IPv4 and IPv6 networks have not achieved unified authentication. In order to solve these problems, we have carried out a network flattening transformation and overall design of IPv6+ campus network system is designed in sever-al dimensions, including IPv6 address top-level design, research on address acquisition methods, opening up IPv6 network channels on campus, and increasing security authentication, so as to solve the urgent problems for teachers and students, and to provide a good IPv6 platform for teachers and students in teaching and scientific research. It also conducts transition and exploration for the evolution of the final goal of completing IPv6 single-stack for the whole network in 2030, and pro-vides the basis for the construction of IPv6+ network in the region.
Computer Science and Application